
“Feito em Angola” stamp

Original Stamp

Applicable for stamp’s colour printing, on product labels and on communication pieces of member companies of Feito em Angola (Made in Angola) Service.

Green Stamp

Intended for use on labels of ecological, organic, biodegradable and sustainable products derived from green production processes and technology by companies adhering to Feito em Angola (Made in Angola) Service, aiming to ensure environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Stamp’s use is conditioned to product type (good or service), and its application will depend on printing needs and product nature, regarding green stamp.

How to use SFA stamp on goods

  • SFA stamp must be inserted on labels of goods submitted to this service.
  • Stamp application must comply with Standards of Use.

How to use SFA stamp in services

  • SFA stamp must be visible on all company documents (paper or digital), such as Cover Letters, Invoices, Receipts and other documentation.
  • Stamp printing must comply with Standards of Use.